What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat deposits from certain areas of the body. It helps define the contour and shape of areas that do not respond well to diet or exercise. An example of this is the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. A trained surgeon uses a suction technique to remove fat through incisions in the skin.


How is this surgery Prepared?

Preparation process for this body shaping begins with a consultation with a certified plastic surgeon. During this appointment, the surgeon will evaluate your health. Then assess the fat deposits, and discuss your goals for the liposuction surgery. On the day of the procedure, the surgeon marks the areas to be treated. Then administers anesthesia (either local or general). This makes small incisions where a (thin tube) is inserted to suction out the fat.

Who is Suitable for Liposuction?

It is suitable for individuals close to their ideal weight but have stubborn fat pockets. These fat pockets are resistant to diet and exercise. Candidates should be in good overall health. Also, have firm and elastic skin, and not be suffering from severe chronic illnesses. Liposuction is not a weight-loss method but a body contouring procedure.

Benefits of Body shaping

This cosmetic surgery offers several benefits including:

  • Improved Body Contours.
  • ProportionsEnhanced Self-Confidence.
  • More Defined Appearance in areas that have been treated.
  • It can Target Multiple Areas in one session!
  • Versatile Option for people looking to refine their body shape through liposuction.

Prices in Turkey

Turkey has become a popular destination for cosmetic surgery due to its high-quality services at affordable prices. The cost of liposuction in Turkey typically depends on the extent of the treatment.

Scientific Support for Liposuction

Liposuction, or suction-assisted lipectomy, has been shown to be a safe and effective method for targeted fat reduction. Clinical studies confirm long-term improvements in body contour, with patients maintaining results when combined with a healthy lifestyle. Histological analyses demonstrate a permanent reduction in fat cell volume in treated areas, without affecting deeper structures such as muscle or connective tissues.

Emerging research suggests potential metabolic benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles. This body shaping remains one of the safest surgical procedures for body contouring when conducted under proper clinical guidelines.